What is the most harmless alcohol?

Alcohol has a negative effect on health, but people still continue to use it. The range of alcoholic products is diverse. Some drinks do more harm to the body, some less.

what alcohol to drink

Scientists have long been trying to systematize existing alcohols to determine which type is more beneficial. Studies show that some drinks have a positive effect on the body when consumed in small doses and rarely.

How is alcohol?

To understand which alcohol is the safest and safest, you need to know its types. Divided by power:

Lessons List
strong alcohol whiskey, brandy, ethanol, sambuca, rum, vodka, absinthe, tequila, gin, cognac
medium ethanol vermouth, wine, liqueur, cedar, martini, fist, corn
low degree ale, sparkling, sparkling wines, champagne

However, the damage is not related to power. An experiment was conducted to prove that people do not drink heavily.

The most addictive alcoholic beverages are consumed in decent quantities and systematically.

Causes various health problems.

Effects of ethanol on the body

There are no completely safe alcohol products. One drink does more harm to the body, the other less. Any alcohol has the following side effects:

  • There is vasospasm - blood pressure rises.
  • Brain cells die. Alcohol addicts suffer from memory disorders, hallucinations and psychological problems.
  • Gastrointestinal secretion worsens. Digestive system loses the ability to digest normal food. There are gastritis and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.
  • Liver cells are destroyed - severe organ pathologies occur.
  • The pancreas does not synthesize juice and processes itself worse. It is full of inflammation.

The genitourinary system also suffers.

Infertility often occurs in alcoholics.

Women cannot have children or are born with congenital anomalies. Men become weak.

Your narcologist warns: safe doses

According to the World Health Organization, a safe portion for a man is 0. 05 liters of strong product or a few glasses of dry wine per day. For women - 0, 03 l or a glass.

And you have to follow the "dry law" at least twice a week.

The most negatively affected drink is an overdose.

Threat levels

Scientists have classified alcohol products according to the degree of damage as follows:

  • First place - alcohol + energy drink. It is carried out independently, ready-made or mixed. Energy drinks contain caffeine, which suppresses the sedative effect of ethyl alcohol. A person does not understand that he is drunk and does not report his actions. Regular consumption of such drinks causes dizziness, weakness, memory loss, and loss of consciousness. When a man or woman wakes up, they do not remember what they did or who they were with.
  • Second place - alcoholic cocktails. They are absorbed very quickly in the walls of blood vessels and cause severe intoxication. Against the background of consumption, the concentration of sugar increases. A large load is placed on the body. Hanging will be heavy after this scene.
  • Third place - sparkling wines and champagne. A glass will not cause serious damage to health, but if you drink a lot of products, the body will suffer a lot. The negative effect is due to the high sugar content of beverages. Glucose damages the liver and pancreas. In the intestines, products cause the digestion of unprocessed food.
  • In fourth place is beer, which contains phytoestrogens. These elements pose a threat to the stronger and weaker sex. Foam provokes obesity. Violates hormonal levels. It changes the structure and thickness of the myocardium (hence severe heart pathology). Treatment of beer alcoholism is more difficult than alcohol dependence.
  • Fifth place - cognac. It is considered a pure alcoholic beverage without the addition of various impurities. In moderate amounts, it can even be useful. The product stabilizes intravenous pressure. Prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes. It should be borne in mind that the drink should be of good quality and should be consumed in an amount not exceeding 50 ml per day.
  • Sixth place - liqueurs. The disadvantage of this drink is its high glucose content. Not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, prone to obesity.
  • Seventh place - wines obtained by grape fermentation. Useful in small amounts. But this only applies to healthy people.
  • Eighth place - vodka. Doctors consider alcohol the most harmless. This is explained by the minimum calories. It does not contain carbohydrates. Vodka does not contain harmful impurities (only ethanol and water).

Only high-quality alcoholic beverages cause minimal harm. Remember the safe dose.

What to drink?

Red and white dry wine prevents unpleasant age-related changes and the development of diabetes. The drink tones the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood and reduces the risk of cancer. Products must be high quality and expensive.

wine and drink

It is better to prefer products based on natural ingredients than tinctures and liqueurs. Thanks to its plant-based components, drinks have a good effect on the body if measures are taken. The plants that make up the composition have the same effect as themselves.

Healthy grapes are preserved in cognac. The drink also contains tannins. Thanks to this, anti-inflammatory effects are achieved. However, there are substances in the products that cause intolerance.

If you experience headaches, hyperemia and itching of the epidermis, it is recommended to give up cognac even after drinking small amounts.

30-40 ml of whiskey is used to reduce and relax the nervous system. Drinking a few tablespoons with vasospasm eliminates the pathological condition. However, if the amount is increased, blood pressure will begin to rise.

How to choose the most harmless alcohol?

Alcoholic products should only be of high quality. Cheap drinks contain a lot of toxins. Tips for choosing the safest vodka:

which vodka to choose
  • Look at the glass inside the label. If it is completely pasted, it means counterfeiting. The plant applies the equipment in three lanes.
  • Look at the bottom of the ship. At the factory, the conveyor is lubricated with a mixture of oil and graphite. This does not leave a slightly visible dark mark on the original glass.
  • Shake the vodka and look at the bubbles. These are few in quality products.
  • The original drink has protective layers and a white excise stamp.

The right cognac choice:

  • A real drink should have a lot of flavor. The predominance of any fragrance indicates poor quality products.
  • Compare the droplet sizes of the drink and the yeast. If the first is wider than the second, cognac contains a lot of sugar and preservatives.
  • Original bottles contain glue. Quality products are determined by them.

What distinguishes a good wine:

  • Dry wines, as a rule, are not counterfeited. It is not profitable. Cheap varieties are simply branded.
  • The cork should not be made of plastic.
  • Quality wine is expensive. Cheap drinks are diluted powder, no grapes.
  • It is not recommended to buy wine from kiosks. It is better to do this in large hypermarkets. Proper storage of the drink is required.

High quality products can also be harmful to many health. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation.

Instructions for Safe Grape Wine

The most harmless drink doctors consider natural wine. Products with remnants of berry peels are especially useful. There are the most valuable items.

With the rational use of wine, the human body is enriched with vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, antioxidants. The drink improves the work of CVS, rejuvenates. Injections are made from the extract, products in the field of cosmetology.

People who drink in the appropriate doses suffer less from heart disease. They retain energy, compatibility and strength longer.

grape wine

It is recommended to combine red wine with the following snacks:

  • shrimp and other seafood;
  • cheese;
  • nuts;
  • chicken and turkey breast;
  • Meat with peppers and eggplant.

When buying wine, make sure the label says "natural". If not, the drink is fake. High quality products are never concentrated. You should look at the packaging, it shows the date of the product. Bad wines are never aged or aged.